Track Record

What CarFlippers are saying:

“I cant tell you how thankful I am to never have to go into a Motor Vehicle Division again in my life. Kudos to you all for saving me time and headaches.”

Carl D, Virginia

"FlipFinder is revolutionary. So cool. All of my favorite cars come to ME. It is like a car show everyday where you can see them AND profit from them!"

Shaun S, Colorado

"Any car guy is a friend of mine. Thanks CarFlipping for the new friends!"

Gene M, North Dakota

"That Community is like having a team of dedicated car advisors at my fingertips. Cool!"

Sal F, Oregon

“Just flipped my first car. Yikes! Made $655. More than I thought I was going to. On to the next one....”

Henry T, California

"Standing behind your product is rare these days. Thanks for helping me out with my Membership, Top Notch. I am here for life."

Victor O, New Mexico

"Thanks to, I'm my own one-man dealership! Rock on..."

Jarrod R, San Diego, CA.

"I bought my neighbor's Mustang last week and with a couple of tips from the Remarketing section of the, I resold it for $1500 more than I bought it for this week. Is is always this easy?"

Ron J, Katy, TX.

"The hardest part about buying cars from America is to find people to trust. On, I find good people to help finish deals to make me money. Very valuable!"

Frank S. Berlin, Germany

"Thanks for the hook up on a great shipping quote. I saved money and car arrived in excellent condition!"

Wyatt M, Florida