Track Record

What CarFlippers are saying:

"I enjoy the coaching support from you all. We all can ALWAYS learn more about flipping cars."

Floyd K., Detroit

"I know a good deal when I see one...and now I get paid for them with BuyFinder! Thanks!!"

Jeff R. Santa Barbara, CA.

" is open on my computer all day long. You just never know what opportunities are going to come along."

Erik L. Lincoln, NE

"I bought my neighbor's Mustang last week and with a couple of tips from the Remarketing section of the, I resold it for $1500 more than I bought it for this week. Is is always this easy?"

Ron J, Katy, TX.

"Thanks for the education CF!"

Emily W, Texas

"I ship near 200 cars a year to and from my dealership. With's shipping portal, I know I'm getting the best rates from the best makes it so much easier!"

Roland G. Carmel, IN.

I definitely did not believe that you can go buy a car, do very little to it (if anything) then sell it for a profit. What a concept! Awesome!

Aaron L. Michigan

"Any car guy is a friend of mine. Thanks CarFlipping for the new friends!"

Gene M, North Dakota

"Thanks to, I'm my own one-man dealership! Rock on..."

Jarrod R, San Diego, CA.

"No more sketchy paperwork for me. thanks for taking over my liability with your Affiliate Paperwork program."

Berry D, Iowa