Track Record

What CarFlippers are saying:

“I cant tell you how thankful I am to never have to go into a Motor Vehicle Division again in my life. Kudos to you all for saving me time and headaches.”

Carl D, Virginia

"I've always enjoyed 'talking shop' about classic cars on the Internet but knowing that my fellow members are legit and serious 'car guys' like me make the conversations that much more valuable..."

Gene V., Midland, TX

"I ship near 200 cars a year to and from my dealership. With's shipping portal, I know I'm getting the best rates from the best makes it so much easier!"

Roland G. Carmel, IN.

“The cars starting coming to me instead of me searching for the cars. I have saved weeks off of my search time. Keep up the good work.”

Dave K, California

“Thanks CarFlipping for the know how. I already had the passion for cars so all I needed was a little guidance and motivation.”

Geof L, Maine

"I never have to search out a random car source anymore wondering if I will actually receive my order. Thanks for the credible recommendations for all my car needs. "

Sam E, Washington

"FlipFinder is revolutionary. So cool. All of my favorite cars come to ME. It is like a car show everyday where you can see them AND profit from them!"

Shaun S, Colorado

"People that get it. What a concept. On my fourth deal now and have netted $3400. I have used ALL your tools and don't have any complaints."

Greg V, Belgium

"....I now know why.....the support is what is making your members successful. All the best!"

Jennifer R, Holland

"When I'm on, I never have to doubt the credibility of the other members, the deals or the reason that I'm there..."

Roger D. Madison, WI