Track Record

What CarFlippers are saying:

"It is about time someone stood behind their Guarantee. I am thankful and I will be back!"

Ben H, California

"I ship near 200 cars a year to and from my dealership. With's shipping portal, I know I'm getting the best rates from the best makes it so much easier!"

Roland G. Carmel, IN.

"Finally someone i could trust in the U.S.! My business is booming with my three new CarFlipping partners in the States."

Bas, Holland

"Thanks for the hook up on a great shipping quote. I saved money and car arrived in excellent condition!"

Wyatt M, Florida

"Thanks for the education CF!"

Emily W, Texas

“The cars starting coming to me instead of me searching for the cars. I have saved weeks off of my search time. Keep up the good work.”

Dave K, California

"Standing behind your product is rare these days. Thanks for helping me out with my Membership, Top Notch. I am here for life."

Victor O, New Mexico

"Thanks to, I'm my own one-man dealership! Rock on..."

Jarrod R, San Diego, CA.

"People that get it. What a concept. On my fourth deal now and have netted $3400. I have used ALL your tools and don't have any complaints."

Greg V, Belgium

"Any car guy is a friend of mine. Thanks CarFlipping for the new friends!"

Gene M, North Dakota