Track Record

What CarFlippers are saying:

"No more sketchy paperwork for me. thanks for taking over my liability with your Affiliate Paperwork program."

Berry D, Iowa

"I must be honest, I did not think that I could do this without my own money to buy cars. You proved me wrong. I am your new bird-dog"

Carl S, Illinois

"Thanks for the education CF!"

Emily W, Texas

"For some people, buying and selling cars is a hobby. For me, in this economy, it is how I pay my bills. It's so great to know that I'm not alone AND that I have somewhere to turn for help."

Dwight R, Seattle, WA

"It's so easy...I wake up each morning, make my coffee and open my email. The deals are right there in my Inbox. I go to work each morning with"

Fred K, Auburn, GA.

“Thanks CarFlipping for the know how. I already had the passion for cars so all I needed was a little guidance and motivation.”

Geof L, Maine

"I ship near 200 cars a year to and from my dealership. With's shipping portal, I know I'm getting the best rates from the best makes it so much easier!"

Roland G. Carmel, IN.

"I know a good deal when I see one...and now I get paid for them with BuyFinder! Thanks!!"

Jeff R. Santa Barbara, CA.

“The cars starting coming to me instead of me searching for the cars. I have saved weeks off of my search time. Keep up the good work.”

Dave K, California

"I just sold two of my cars to other Flippers on the Community....who would have known. Awesome."

Ted W, Alberta Canada