Track Record

What CarFlippers are saying:

"I've been flipping cars for years now and thought I knew everything there was to know. filled in the cracks for me and provided a platform to do it even easier! Thanks!"

Ken M, Carlsbad

"I just sold two of my cars to other Flippers on the Community....who would have known. Awesome."

Ted W, Alberta Canada

"That Community is like having a team of dedicated car advisors at my fingertips. Cool!"

Sal F, Oregon

"It's so easy...I wake up each morning, make my coffee and open my email. The deals are right there in my Inbox. I go to work each morning with"

Fred K, Auburn, GA.

“Just flipped my first car. Yikes! Made $655. More than I thought I was going to. On to the next one....”

Henry T, California

"The hardest part about buying cars from America is to find people to trust. On, I find good people to help finish deals to make me money. Very valuable!"

Frank S. Berlin, Germany

"At least once a week, I see a cool car and wonder what it's worth. None of my friends are into cars. All I have to do is post a question on and my question is answered by my fellow members. Awesome..."

Grant R, Tucson, AZ

"For some people, buying and selling cars is a hobby. For me, in this economy, it is how I pay my bills. It's so great to know that I'm not alone AND that I have somewhere to turn for help."

Dwight R, Seattle, WA

"Thanks for the education CF!"

Emily W, Texas

"I ship near 200 cars a year to and from my dealership. With's shipping portal, I know I'm getting the best rates from the best makes it so much easier!"

Roland G. Carmel, IN.